
Red rumped agouti facts
Red rumped agouti facts

red rumped agouti facts

punctata, three lineages were detected, one in Central America (central and northern), including D. leporina, two significant lineages were found (in central Atlantic Brazil and on the Caribbean islands of Trinidad and Tobago). azarae was related with some of the lineages of D. kalinowski, a species endemic to Peru, was un-differentiable from one of these D. fuliginosa, with two being polyphyletic (one more related to D. The phylogenetic results indicated five different lineages within D. To address this issue, we analyzed the complete mitogenomes of 93 specimens in addition to three mitochondrial genes of 128 specimens of Dasyprocta belonging to six supposed species (D. However, we still do not know how many species, taxa, or lineages are within Dasyprocta. This is the case of the genus Dasyprocta (agouties). Some neotropical rodents are of special interest because they are an important source of animal protein for human indigenous populations throughout Latin America. Even though most work has been done over the past twenty years, there is still a dearth of information. Some reproductive technologies have been used, with attempts at estrous induction and synchronization taking place within the past five years. The capybara had hyperpigmentation of the vagina that was unique to each individual, while the agouti and paca had accessory corpora lutea, in addition to the main one. Some unique characteristics common to these species included the presence of a vaginal closure membrane and a lobulated placenta with a vascular sub-placenta. Knowledge of the reproductive tract is important in understanding any unique features, which may affect the use of reproductive technologies. Over seventy references were used, spanning the years 1919–2021. The rodents chosen included the agouti (Dasyprocta leporina), the capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris), and the paca (Cuniculus paca). This is the second of two literature reviews that focuses on the female reproductive anatomy and reproductive technologies used in selected neo-tropical hystricomorphic rodents. This suggests that whilst all teat pairs were functional, functionality was a poor indicator of litter size suggesting that female agouti young may not have a high dependency on maternal nutrition an possible evolutionary strategy resulting in large wild populations hence its popularity as a game species. We found (i) no significant correlations (P > 0.05) between teat functionality and litter size and (ii) no significant correlations (P > 0.05) between teat functionality and parturition number. Parturition number had no effect on the mean birth weight of all young (F0.822, P > 0.05), male young (F0.80, P > 0.05) or female young (F0.66, P > 0.05) in the litters. We compared the average birth weight of all newborns, male newborns and female newborns among agoutis with different litter sizes and different parturitions by one way ANOVA’s, while Pearson’s Chi-squared tests were used to detect relationships between teat functionality, litter size, and parturition number.


Functionality was assessed by manual palpation of teats from un-sedated females (N=43). Therefore, in this study we evaluated the relationship between mammary functionality with litter size, litter birth weight, and parturition number in captive red-rumped agouti. In precocial mammals, as the red-rumped agouti, maintaining maternal contact to learn foraging patterns may be more important than the energy demands and nutritional constraints during lactation and suckling may not play important roles when compared to altricial mammals.

red rumped agouti facts

An understanding of the reproductive biology, including the relationship between litter size and teat functionality is crucial for conservation management of this animal.

red rumped agouti facts

The red-rumped agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) produces precocial young and is the most hunted and farmed game species in several Neotropical countries.

Red rumped agouti facts